21/02/2000 - 27/02/2000.
Monday morning found me in bedroom of large and pretty luxury apartment, located in the very heart of Tallinn, a special flat for K.'s visitors, as he laughed. I shared the bed with him and however we woke up about 9 AM, we couldn't start our trip to Port of Tallinn before eleven something... We simply had some more important things to do at first. Again.
After short walk through the city we arrived to the port, check-in was smooth but at the border we only saw that the cabin with text "For Estonian citizens" was empty... Well, somebody with more sense of duty probably couldn't cross the border at all but we (shameless as we are) marched simply to the queue (where text says on the cabin "For non-Estonian citizens") and I said in my broken English "Hello" to the borderguard, just to look more foreigner.
This was actually typical for Estonian officials, such messy situations are so common that our people probably won't even notice these anymore but it really might seem weird to real foreigners, how less our country cares for its own citizens.
Oh well, soon we were on board of MS Finnjet and tried to prepare ourselves for next 4 hours on that ferry. I still find ferries deadly boring but Finnjet is probably less boring of these large constructions of steel and whatever. And at last, after spending ages in tax-free shops and trying probably every perfume they had (but bying nothing, in fact the saleswoman began to keep her eye on two of us), a hour-long eating-session in one dining-room (where we also played the game "who can notice more cuties") and another hour sitting and taking a nap, we arrived to Helsinki.
Our hotel was very close to the terminal and as Finnjet's terminal itself locate in the heart of city, we couldn't make a better choice. Grand Marina, a very comfortable four-star hotel, in lovely old brick-red building (with unbelievable fast elevators) became our new home for next 19 hours. After checking the possibilities of our room (well-filled mini-bar, standard selection of TV-channels and so on) we decided to have a nice walk in Helsinki's night.
Weather was (probably especially for our visit) excellent, temperature only 1-2 degrees below zero, no wind and nothing fell from sky. Just excellent winter night. On that night we also paid visits to some stores which were still open but most of all simply enjoyed each other and the wonderful world around us. For hours. At last I bought from Stockmann something to eat (okay you infoholics, it was a traditional Grecian salad with feta, olives and everything, packed into nice takeaway bag) and we walked back to hotel.
The night. It was like always when we two get together, not much of sleep and a lot of laugh with some other activities.
Original plans for next morning were majestic. 8 AM morning sauna, then quick breakfast, followed with check-out and then to galleries (which was the main reason of our trip), so we decided to be at 11 AM in the place and start with paintings of Magnus Enckell. But as said, these were the original plans. Reality looked a bit different.
It was about nine when we arrived on the ground floor to have our breakfast. Whole area seemed to be a bit small for this crowd and we had some problems with finding ourselves a table. And when we found it at last and finished our first course and decided to go for additional coffee and tea, a maid cleaned our table very quickly and somebody else took a place there... So we had to find ourselves another place to sit. Food was fine, except meat-balls which had been far too long in heat. Especially I would like to mention wonderful buns and rolls, coming straight from the hot oven, these were excellent! Time flew by and it was not before noon when we were ready to leave that friendly hotel and move on.Gallery (at Tennis Palace) with works by Magnus Enckell (1870-1925) was our next and main destination. This important Finnish artist, pioneer of their so-called golden age, have unbelievably many paintings, sketches and even some sculptures, showing the beauty of young males. This exhibition (which is still open for few weeks) is probably most complete show of his works ever and definitely worth a visit. So if you're in Helsinki, be sure to go to Tennis Palace!
In addition to Enckell's art we also saw a breathtaking selection of best photographs, taken by Robert Capa. He pictured everything, from portraits of Picasso, Hemingway and Matisse to the cruel moments of five separate wars. He seemed to be everywhere, in Civil War of Spain, Japanese invasion in China, battles in and around of London and Italy plus his famous documentation of D-Day. Showing the shocking stills, reflections of the results of manhood's lunatic actions we used to call with word "the war". My personal favourite was one photo, taken in half-destroyed church where a hospital was temporary located, showing two young soldiers, both in dressings due to their wounds, and a sister of mercy... Wonderful play of light and shadows plus I felt some "peace at last"-feeling radiate from this photo.
After leaving Tennis Palace we had some free hours before our leaving and so we simply walked on the city. Passed by the Helsinki's most popular gay-place DTM (or Don't Tell Mama) on Annankatu, K. decided to found out the errr... erotic bookshops? :) on Iso-Roobertinkatu, he has been before. So we walked to that direction. First one was a weird place on second floor of one dirty building and we were greeted by a girl who eagerly wanted to strip in front of us but as she also wanted money for that, we couldn't agree with her. There were no male-strippers available and also shop itself was a tiny one but as I found (and paid for it only $1.50!!!) a brandnew copy of Bel Ami's 1997 calendar, I won't whine.
Second shop we discovered, was uncomfortable, only very few and very old gay-items (probably because the owner wants to call himself "gay-friendly") and we left that place quickly. The third one (still on the same street) was the smallest but the guy behind the counter was very friendly and the selection was best, including a good part of Cadinot and Bjorn movies, brandnew videos and mags by Man's Best and so on. In the end I couldn't resist the temptation and bought Kristen Bjorn's "The anchor hotel"...
Then I decided that I have given enough of my hard-earned pennies to porn-industry for this time and we walked back to Stockmann where K. wanted to check the cafe on top floor of the building which, according to some sources, is a mixed place and sometimes a cruising area for sophisticated guys. It was truly crowdy, so I believe that some gays (except us) were definitely there and some young guys who cleaned the tables were damn cute. But the coffee and tea were expensive (as actually almost anything in Helsinki) and the lady who sold me our drinks, was tired and grumpy. So I am confused and don't know so far, do I like that place or not.
We had just enough minutes left to make a short circle of windowshopping on the underground floor of railway station and then it was time to walk to harbour where Finnjet was already waiting for us. Back on board I reserved the table for supper and after another session in perfume shop we were ready for restaurant. It was a nice place but too crowdy again. Thankfully there everybody had the fixed table and so it was not a problem to stand up and go for another course. The surprisingly good things were free wines and beer, drink as much as you can. If to think that the price for single person was less than $20, then I found that's another reason why to prefer Finnjet to other ferries on Tallinn-Helsinki line.
Anyway, after my first (or was it after second?) large glass of red wine I was watching away from window and thinking of something when I heard K. asking me: "Do we want the vodka?" So I took a look and saw a lady with tray, full of small, ice-cold vodka glasses. As K. had that little-devil-look on his face I thought that he simply wants to irritate me (I had declared few days before that I don't like drinking pure vodka) and I decided to hit the ball back (because he had told me the same) and said: "Yes, sure. Why not?" Lady with the tray seemed to be a bit happier, gave us the glasses and I continued to have stare out the window where some weird lights were visible. I saw also from reflection on window-glass that lady still stays with her tray next to table and then I heard K. crying loudly to me: "You have that money, right?" "What money?" "40 marks for two vodkas, thank you!", explained the lively lady to me. Oh well, at last I understood what she wants and I paid her that forty marks (about $7) and only then (when I saw him grinning all over) realized that K. was still lucky to catch me anyway. For explanation, in Estonia you can buy for same amount of money one litre of vodka.
But this small and strong drink fitted very well to the fish and caviar I had on my plate. We continued our supper with warm meal when suddenly most of people left the room. Only later (when I was finishing excellent apple-cake with icecream and selection of berries) we discovered that restaurant was originally opened only between 7 PM and 8.30 PM. We left the room at 9.10 PM and not among the last ones.
Back in Tallinn we took a cab and drove to our apartment again, making a short stop only to buy a bottle of Spanish wine and some oranges. We were probably too tired (and definitely eaten far too much), so we slept in the night indeed and started with our gymnastics not before the dawn.
Sometimes around Wednesday's noon we drove to bus station only to find out that all tickets to my town were sold out days ago. As 24th was the 82nd birthday of Estonian Republic and many people had days off for long week-end, it seemed to me impossible to arrive home. But due to some family situation and also work I had to... So the solution came from K. again (he IS one of the sweetest guy I've ever met!) as he simply called to his ex who in the end changed his plans and decided to drive to his landhouse (which is on two third way to my town) on same night. In the end I was home at 10 PM and after clearing some possibly critical situations, I felt myself alone again.
Thursday was a holiday here but nevertheless I was few hours in my shop, then back home to do some computerwork, same routine continued on Friday and on actual week-end I didn't moved from home at all, sat most of the days in front of my PC (except few hours on Sunday when some bastard took away the electricity) and continued with my boring paperwork. I still have a lot to do and I don't like that.
28 veebruar 2010
Kümme aastat varem - 21/02/00 - 27/02/00
25 veebruar 2010
Mida teha vabariigi sünnipäeval...
... kui sind pole kutsutud presidendi juurde pingviiniks ega isegi mitte sisult riikliku kuid vormilt kohaliku tähtsusega üritustele? Minna kontvõõraks? Nääh... Parem lükata hommikul natuke lumekest, siis poolest päevast haarata kapist mingi pudel (mille sisu osutub olema 50-kraadine ja üllatavalt mõnusa aroomi ning maitsega rummilaadne ollus, mis pärit otse Ungarist - "Casino. From the house of Zwack." - ning mille tootmine pidavat kestma juba pikemat aega, et mitte öelda aastakümneid), siis veel Pirukatädi käest cappuccino-tort ning minna hoopis Lõksu ning improviseerida seal teemal "asutise sünnipäev".
Järgmise paari tunni jooksul õnnestus koguni näha mitu viimast nädalat kadunud olnud Emandat, samuti laekus sinna mõneks ajaks mu vennas ja veidi enne teda isegi Admiral, muudest karvastest ja sulelistest rääkimata. No ja muidugi käis mõned korrad sealt läbi ka mr. B. isiklikult. :)
Kuna ma ei viitsinud eile Scrabble't kaasa vedada, leidsime me riiulites tuustides endale uue mängu, mida mitmel pool maailmas kutsutakse miskipärast 'Othello'ks' ja mida mina tean nõukaajast rohkem nimevariandi 'Reversi' all ning tegime mõned ringid seda. (Kes seda arvutis mängida tahab, siis võib seda teha mitmel pool, kasvõi näiteks siin: Othello.) Peale seda kui ma olin suure vaevaga paar korda mr. B.-d võitnud, läksin ma ilmselt liiga uljaks ning oleks neiu S.-i (kes seda elus üldse esimest korda mängis) käest äärepealt juba poolte nuppude juures pähe saanud. Tükk tegemist oli, et seis laual enda kasuks keerata.
Selline sünnipäev siis. Ei tekkinud isegi kiusatust mõne telepurgi omaniku juurde seda va frakilindude paraadi vaatama minna.
Suitsetamine ja blowjob
Prantslased on taaskord maha saanud ühe sahinaid tekitava kampaaniaga. Nimelt on nüüd Association De Défence Contre Le Tabac and Les Droits des Non-Fumeurs tellinud reklaamifirmalt BDDP & Fils sellised suitsetamise kahjulikkust illustreerivad sotsiaalreklaamid. Kuigi (nagu keegi juba kommenteeris) pole sugugi kindel, et selline veidrapoolne pildivalik heale hulgale prantslastest mainitud tegevust senisest veelgi ahvatlevamana ei presenteeri. :)
21 veebruar 2010
Kümme aastat varem - 14/02/00 - 20/02/00
14/02/2000 - 20/02/2000.
Missing K. and (surprisingly) another session of coming-out conversations were the stars of this week. I was literally forced to come out in front of / censored - let's say just "one person" / because she had suspicions (probably thanks to my date with K. a week before) and started to ask questions. So I answered but this was followed with three days of headache, days full of negotiations, simple but neverending talk and God knows what else. Falling in love with me some time ago didn't made things for her easier anyway... And however I have had similar conversations also before, in the end of this mess I was extremely tired and now I can't wait for the bus on Sunday when I'm leaving to Tallinn at first and then we're going together with K. for a few days to Helsinki, Finland, to watch some exhibitions and simply have a good time.
The story of our vacation in Playa del Inglés is uploaded at last, this includes also some unique amateur photos of table-dancers, so you're welcomed to read. Check the Travel stories section!*
* It was ten years ago, right now this story is not yet uploaded to my page.
Mis nüüd sellest nõndanimetatud "kapist välja tulemisse" puutub... Ei, ma ei käi praegu ja ei käinud ka siis ringi suur plinkivate tulukestega plakat "I'm gay, vote for me!" näpu vahel. Samas ei suuda ma hästi uskuda, et kui kellegile siin provintsilinnas see teema ikka kangesti huvi pakub, et see keegi ei ole siis midagi kuulnud. Ei olnud see mingi saladus ka kahe kümnendi eest ega pole praegugi. Ja sellele konkreetsele inimesele olin ma tegelikult juba mitu aastat enne intsidenti tõest ja faktidest lühidalt rääkinud ning enda jaoks selle teema lõpetanud. Aga nagu hiljem selgus, meeldis sellele inimesele tookord arvata, et ma lollitan niisama ja kui ta siis must-valge fakti otsa komistas, siis oli ta ilmselt vihane nii minu kui ka iseenda peale. Nojah...
19 veebruar 2010
Sain kirja, sellise diskrimineeriva... :D
Ah nendest masintõlgetest on juba nii palju küll jahutud aga olgu siis korra veel. Nimelt sain ma täna väljamaalt ühe kirja. Mitte et ma seda nüüd tõsiselt võtaksin aga ikkagi hakkas silma, et järjekordselt on tegu diskrimineerimisega, kus üks (eeldatavasti) naisterahvas end mulle pähe määrida üritab, eeldades automaatselt, nagu ma oleksin temast või ta sookaaslastest selles mõttes huvitatud. See, et tegelikult on ilmselt tegu järjekordse "nigeeria kirjaga", ei lähe praegu arvesse. :)
Hello My Dear,
Olen rahul Jumal minus, et ta on loodud suurepärane ja armas stiilne mees nagu sa maa peal. Ma soovin, võib olla minu viis oma südames ja ma loodan, et te võimaldab mulle, kui te ei pahanda. Mulle meeldib oma profiili, ma tahan teada, sa parem olla sõber, naine, et saab seal head ajad ja halb aeg. Ma tõesti nagu sina ja mina soov teada kirglikult. koos palju armastust ja austust naise tuleks anda kena meest nagu sina. Kas ma saan oma kontaktandmed väidet või Yahoo ID. I vaja suhet ilma lõpuni. lol ..
Ootan kiiret reageerimist mu kallis.
See on minu Yahoo Id xxxxxxxx@xxxxxx.xxx
l on hea meel teile kirjutada mulle tagasi, et saaksime teada, ise veel parem kallis.
Alates Elizabeth.
Tegelikult tekkis kiusatus talle isegi kirjutada ja uurida, ega tal juhtumisi äkki mõnda kena venda või tädipoega pole. :P
17 veebruar 2010
On board of Air Force One (2009)
On board Air Force One
Lavastaja: Peter Schnall
http://imdb.com/title/tt1567394/ Kui reklaam lubas põhjalikku sisevaadet ilmselt maailma kuulsaimast lennukist, siis tegelikult oli sisuks peamiselt 9/11 aegse kriisiperioodi taaslavastamine, videokaadrid Bushi omaaegsest tänupüha-üllatusvisiidist Bagdadi ning pisikesest tuurist Lähis-Idas, paar pardal tehtud intervjuukatket Bush-juunioriga ning veel mõned intervjuud lennuki pilootide ja teenindava staffiga. Mõne minuti jooksul nägi lennukit seestpoolt kah ning veel paar minutit näidati Obamat personaliga chit-chat'imas (muu hulgas saime teada, et talle meeldib cheddar) kui ta presidendina esimest korda nüüd juba "oma" Boeingu pardale astus.
Hea küll, ma saan aru, et tegu on supersalajasi vidinaid täistopitud imemasinaga ja kõike ei saagi näidata aga siis võiks filmikest sellest ehk ka veidi tagasihoidlikumalt reklaamida. Igatahes tundub, et mida aeg edasi, seda pealiskaudsemaks ja samas kõmuhimulisemaks kõik need Discovery'd, National Geographic'ud ja teised telekanalid kipuvad minema. Kurb.
14 veebruar 2010
Kümme aastat varem - 07/02/00 - 13/02/00
07/02/2000 - 13/02/2000.
Week started with finishing some jobs which were been on halfway for ages, also I continued to clear things and minor business problems which had happened during my vacation period. All this was done by Wednesday and life turned back to more or less normal.
During whole week we had additional negotiations with the company who will rent our small "renovated house" (it's turning to some kind of joke after all, the story of renovating this tiny one) for the next 5 years and these were not the easiest negotiations I've had. Plus things were worse because all the time I missed the sun and cuties and wine and God only knows what else.
Anyway, somewhere in the middle of week we decided with K. (using zillions of e-mails and SMS-messages from one phone to another, not mentioning the endless phonecalls itselves :-) that we should try to make some conclusion of these happy days on Canary Islands (BTW, the story about that vacation is over the corner, I have to scan some images and write some more text, so it will appear soon) and I asked him to come for a weekend to my town. He agreed.
Saturday morning he was here, first time after 15 years in my hometown and wondering, do we have anything else in our town than hotels, guesthouses and shops... In fact we do. Oh well, he has taken 3 large bags with him, only because I had requested so in one moment of deep and shining humour of mine, that kind of humour that not many usually understands or accepts but a praise goes to K., he's getting it all the time and all the time he's also biting back, exactly in a way I like.
As I had to be working for more 2 hours after his arriving, these hours seemed to be centuries, however we had decent conversations, planned our future trip to Helsinki, talked about weather and when possible, used a bit of our hands and lips. It began indeed to remain the feeling of Playa del Ingles, if not to count the snow outside of course.
After my workhours I checked us into one three-star hotel, close to my place, we bought two bottles of same wine we used to drink on Gran Canaria and fell in bed. It was around 3 PM. We probably were sleepy :-) Six hours later was a dressing routine, then we spent a hour or so in restaurant and went straight back to hotel with two new bottles of red wine and some chocolate. Followed by prompt undressing and bed again.
Actually we spent in bed so many time that we were late for check-out on Sunday but as the hotel was pretty empty anyway, I thankfully didn't had to pay any fine. So we were using the few left hours before it was time for K. to bus, simply by walking in the city and visiting some tourist destinations. It was the good time and I truly enjoyed this week-end. In fact, if such life continues, I may start to believe that life could be beautiful and fair nevertheless.
Täiesti ootamatult selgus, et tänase päeva näol on tegu ühe alatult ligi hiilinud, sisult ameerikaliku kuid vormilt internatsionaalse tähtpäevaga, mille üheks tunnusmärgiks on spektri punaste toonide üleekspluateerimine ning kõikidest maailma kaardipakkidest eraldatud ärtu masti sümbolite mittesihipärane kasutamine. Noh, kui peab, siis peab. Mul läks aga õnneks vähemalt üks kaart rüüstamisest päästa ning siinkohal tervitab teid selle päeva puhul kuningas Nox.
10 veebruar 2010
Ilmselt on sümptomaatiline...
...et isik, kes on oma privaatsuse pärast nii mures, et pahandab teatud blogijatepaariga (kes tõtt-öelda ei ole küll ka minu lemmikud aga see ei puutu praegu teemasse) oma internetis vabalt saada olnud/oleva foto(de) taaskasutuse pärast, jagab ise foorumites ja oma blogides sama lahkelt kõikvõimalikku, kahtlemata delikaatsete isikuandmete alla kuuluvat infot inimeste kohta, kelle kohta ta midagi kuulnud on või kes talle ehk ise midagi usaldanud on. Alates sellest, kes kellega magada armastab ja lõpetades sellega, kes ta töökohta viimasel ajal külastanud on ja kas neil seal ka riided seljas püsisid või mitte. Mina tööandjana teeksin sellest küll mingeid järeldusi.
Ja üks teine tegelane ilmselt kujutab esiteks ette, et ta on ainukordne supermaksimegastaar ning teiseks seda, et sellega, et ta oma hiljutised naljakalt jaburad blogisissekanded ära kustutas, on lugu lõppenud. Ei ole, kullake. Kõik see tekst on endiselt alles nii internetis kui kindlasti ka päris paljude arvutite kõvaketastel. Noh, kasvõi selleks, et mine tea, millal kellegil tekib tahtmine seda sobival hetkel tsiteerida. :)
Lapsukesed, õppige juba ükskord ära, et internet ei ole enam ammu anonüümne ja mis sinna kord juba üles pandud, on seal kusagil saadaval ka siis kui te ise oma pildid-jutud ära kustutate.
09 veebruar 2010
Kümme aastat varem - 31/01/00 - 06/02/00
31/01/2000 - 06/02/2000.
I won't write on this page much about actual vacation in Playa del Ingles, story about these seven days will appear on my Travel stories page, together with pictures of some real cute table-dancers and other pieces of nightlife. This story here starts from Thursday again when we had our plane back to Finland. It was abnormal heatwave that day on Gran Canaria, +36 by Celsius and it was really pity to leave that beautiful island. But it was nothing to do. This time the plane was late only for 35 minutes and took the course to Madeira at first and then to European mainland. The plane's staff offered more eyecandy than last time because of two damn cute flight attendants (to be honest, the service was on both flights excellent, only week before there was no cute stewards, only stewardesses) and one Norwegian guy (however he seemed to be a bit tired) was exactly the one I may fall in love with...
K. (shameless as he is :-) found soon a good trick and ... / Censored portion of text about warmth and pulsating bodyparts of steward and what happened in the aisle. /
Back in Vantaa (after midnight, so it was Friday already) we experienced again the suspicious mind of Finnish borderguards, we waited for ages before they dealed with one Latvian family and it became our turn. We got the last free cab to our booked hotel and were there in minutes. Then, after check-in and moving our bags into our room on 6th floor, we decided to go back to the reception and took some papers with us to read and get informed what had happened during the past week but when we were back down on the ground floor, elevator's door remained closed. So, we were stucked in lift, at 2 o'clock in the night. I saw during glass windows the boy (cutie again!) from reception running in panic around the lift and calling to somebody but then, after few minutes, the doors decided to open and leave us out. Back to our room everything worked properly and we laughed about the whole situation.
In room we reorganised a bit of furniture, moved the beds together and found better place for chairs. I tried to turn the TV in but was unsuccessful, so K. could show his masculinity and push the right button at the right time. Oh boy, was he proud! :-) Anyway, we made some coffee and tea, drank also the bottle of red wine (last bottle of cheap but good wine!), bought from plane and fell asleep. First things in the morning were whining about worst weather we'd seen for ages...
/ Censored. /
Around midday we were droven back to airport and we took the short, 25 minute flight to Tallinn, we were late again (and personally for me that wasn't the last time) no matter that plane was empty, only ten passengers, including us. Back in Tallinn I discovered that instead of hours in bus I can later take another flight to my hometown and so I bought a ticket, we drove for few hours to... / Censored part again, it seems to become very censored diary indeed. /
Plane to home was late of course, so I arrived 15 minutes later and my brother who was waiting for me, was pretty unsure, am I arriving after all or should he leave the airport. Back at home it was a pure horror when I realised how many e-mails I have to answer and other things to do. So basically all Saturday and Sunday was spent with these actions and it seems that I will have some work to do also on first days of next week before everything's become normal. But that was a hell of a good vacation!
Usuhullud - puude tapjad ja looduse reostajad
Eesti riigiasutused on sattunud järjekordse rämpsposti tulva alla. Ameerika usuhullude mahitusel (kuuldavasti ühe nende Poolas resideeruva katoliikiku iseloomuga rakukese kaudu) valminud kenal klantspaberil trükised uputavad Riigikogu postkaste ja valmistavad peavalu meie esindusorgani koristajatele, sest taaskord on ära visatava paberipahna maht törtsuvõrra tõusnud ning sealsed prügikastid ajavad juba ammu üle...
Muidugi on igal ühiskonnagrupil (jah, isegi igal ususektikeselgi) õigus ning vabadus oma vaateid rahumeelselt levitada, kahetsusväärne on siinjuures aga see, et end alahoidlikuna ja traditsiooniliste väärtuste kaitsjana esitlev seltskond kasutab oma tegevuses meetodeid, mis sobiksid võitlevasse kommunismi (kuidas see hüüdlause looduselt armuandide mitteootamise ja nende sealt ise võtmise kohta oligi...) ja hävitab halastamatult meid ümbritsevat loodust. Algul puude tapmisega ja seejärel nukrate raiesmike reostamisega paberipahnaga. Kurb.
Selle paberi, kui see juba niikuinii oli valmis meisterdatud, oleks võinud need usuhullud ilma seda täis sodimata kasvõi meie lasteaedadele või koolidele annetada, kus on pidevalt paberikriis. Lapsed oleksid vähemalt saanud oma loovust arendada ja mine tea, ehk oleksid kunagi mokaotsast hea sõnaga ka Piiblivööndi usuonusid ja -tädisid meenutanud.
Samas muidugi, on second thought, mõeldes kõigi nende ahistamiste ja muude teemade peale, mis katoliku kirikul lastega seoses on, pole seegi ehk just parim mõte...
(Foto autorilt on selle kasutamiseks luba olemas. :) )
01 veebruar 2010
Pasta kõrvitsaseemnepestoga
See oli mõned päevad tagasi, siis kui mul kodus veel kraanist vett tuli ja elu potilill (kas vesiroosi saaks potis kasvatada?) oli, mil ma võtsin ette oma söögikraamikappi veidi kriitilisemalt üle vaadata. Ja leidsin sealt praktiliselt kaks aastat seisnud pestopurgi, mille me kunagi Professori juubeli tähistamise aegu Viinist koju tarisime. Ehtne austerlane ja nende (eelkõige siis muidugi Graz'i linna kandi) spetsialiteet ehk kõrvitsaseemnepesto. Kõrvitsaseemneõliga ja puha. No ja kuna selle best before oli tõtt-öelda juba mõne nädala eest kätte jõudnud, siis ma lihtsalt pidin sellega midagi ette võtma. Sest ära viskamine ei olnud absoluutselt an option, esiteks oli see mu mäletamist mööda kaunikesti kallis purgikene ja teiseks on Emanda (ja vahel ka kaasaga) peetavad Solgipangeklubi istungid meid piisavalt treeninud, et mõni päev üle säilivusaja läinud tärmin meid nüüd küll ei heiduta.
"Nojah, kui pesto, siis pesto," ütles fantaasiavaene mina iseendale, "siis ju lihtsalt peab selle all olema pasta." Rabasin seega kapist ühe pesa ehtsat, sellist laiemat lindnuudlit meenutavat itaalia munapastat (kindlasti on sellel ka mingi udupeen nimetus aga ma isegi ei viitsinud seda pakilt välja lugeda, rääkimata siis meelde jätmisest) ja virutasin selle potti. Keerasin pestopurgilt kaane maha, proovisin seda kraami ja otsustasin, et üks ports kenasti krõbedalt krõmpsuks lastud kysla seibikesi on täiesti vältimatud. Need ongi need helepruunikad ja kohati auklikud (nagu taani raha, eksole) asjad, mis ka pildilt kenasti näha. Kui ma olin ülalpool presenteeritud foto juba ära teinud, siis ma leidsin, et kuigi aurav, on pastaollus kaugelt liiga kuiva väljanägemisega ja surasin kogu sellele kremplile peale veel ühe kena mahlase sidrunipoole lapikuks pressimisest saadud vedeliku. Kusjuures mulle see sümbioos täitsa meeldis. Uut (ja mahlasemat) fotot ei viitsinud aga tegema hakata.
Itaalia köök (noh, antud juhul siis ilmselt Põhja-Itaalia ja Lõuna-Austria segunenud köök) on muide üks mu alati toimivatest ettekäänetest, miks peab (tsiteerides Katit) "veint jooma". Sest olgem ausad, vähemalt pastad on küll ilma veinita väga poolikud. Pitsa kõrvale võib veel rahulikult kasvõi tsotsa-tsoolat või ölutit juua aga pastade juures täiendab (enamasti! - aga mitte obligatoorselt) valge vein maitset rohkem kui rubla võrra.
Ja õnneks oli mul veinikapis samuti täiesti olemas ehtne austerlane (Wachau piirkonna Grüner Veltliner), mille seltsimees Maimu mulle nädalapäevad varem külas käies pruukostiks tõi aga mille avamiseni me tookord ei jõudnud, sest nii palju oli eelnevalt vaja ju proovida erinevaid vahutavaid vedelikke. :P
Seega sain ma nüüd uhkes üksinduses (mis iseenesest polnud ju eesmärk aga kedagi polnud läheduses või hõikeulatuses...) kõike seda proovida ja no oli ikka hea küll! To cut the long story short: see kõrvitsaseemnevärk oli tegelikult väga mõnus ja ma tõesti ei tea, miks Eestis keegi midagi sellist teha pole võtnud. Aeg-ajalt ostaks mina seda värki küll.
- - - - -
Jah, see oli siis. Aga nüüd on teised ajad. Nüüd ma käin päeviti kohvikuid ja muid söögikohti mööda (sest kodus väga palju süüa ei saa - nõusidki ei saa ju pesta, eksole) ja õhtuti - nagu näiteks täna - hiilin pimeduse varjus endale küla peale poolsalaja mikroahjus pop-corn'i tegema.
Kui jaanipäev varsti ei laeku, siis ma kolin osaliselt ilmselt ema juurde tagasi. Vähemalt seniks kuni see igikelts ära sulab. :)